Wednesday, December 13, 2006


La Boutique Jaune used to be a confectionery run by a couple who saw generations of kids queue up for roudoudous and other Bétises or candy bars, If you walk around the neighborhood, you'll spot the factory 'le fin bonbon' rue Lebours, now a music recording studio; apparently, there used to be 'la boutique jaune' shop in other small towns in France, all confectioneries; the nearby Pharmacie, with its blue windows and woodwork used to be called 'la boutique bleue'... MANY STORIES ABOUT THE PLACE STILL TO BE UNRAVELLED...
for now, the kids English workshops run the place, a friend Maki does her knitting café some sunday afternoons... and some renovating is being taken care of, with hopefully at the end of spring, the shop front, "dans son jus"...
sooner or later,
i plan to cook a little "ukulele café" for ukulele lovers to strum some music around and the kids to get curious about it...
i also am working on a barter system : English workshops in exchange of know-hows...
Karine has just displayed her mobile creations in the windows and inside, Magalie left some pieces of her fine crockery and
Valentine, her lampe-callebasses.
you're welcome to visit and drink a tea or coffee on Saturdays, round 5 to 7.
english version is not regularly updated, so visit the
French version any time...
myriam (I run the place....)

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